Saturday, April 30, 2011

As The Inn Turns – Episode 3

Yesterday I started a new young woman as our second housekeeper. I am clinging on to my one remaining lady who is worth her weight in gold, but whose mother is ailing and she cannot do all the hours required as the summer gets busier.

The ‘new one’ arrived on time, she is baby faced and doe eyed. Wears pastels and seems naive for her 24 years. My golden housekeeper and me trained new one for two hours, showed her where everything was and how to do her job in the most efficient way. At the end she sheepishly announced that she had never learned how to iron, so she got a quick lesson in that too. I sent her home with napkins to practice her folding on and sheets of paper with the lists of her duties to read over for homework.

In the afternoon, we received an E-mail from on high alerting us to the fact that new one had actually worked at this inn for two months in the summer of 2007 and had herself an impressive criminal record that included burglary and assault – a little charmer!

I was able to challenge her con act with me because she called us not long after wards to ask me to sign some day-care form for her mini con-baby, whose daycare would be covered by social services if mommy-con had a job. She was pissed in a major way that her ruse had been discovered and proceeded to shriek obscenities and threats down the phone. Richard intervened and dispatched her ass.

Well I guess I won’t get the practice napkins back, but at least she won’t have the chance to get her feelers on our operation. I am getting paranoid however and much to Richard’s annoyance, I am hiding things and locking everything up wherever I go.

Now we have access to a great website where you can look up a person’s criminal record if they have one. You can bet that I will not be training anyone else without first checking up on them there.

Meanwhile on a sweeter note. The Spring up here in the mountains and the forests is spectacular. The rivers and waterfalls are in flood, the trees are budding out and blossoming and we have been treated to some incredible close encounters with wildlife (excluding housekeepers that is) such as juvenile owls, bears, wood chucks, and deer. We have been planting flowers all around the inn and getting out the adirondack chairs and cafe tables on the generously sized decks that overlook a sylvan paradise.

Back to the classifieds “help wanted” next week. In my desperation I stopped by the local Mexican restaurant to plead with the owner to send any of her friends or relatives my way. What I wouldn’t do for a wonderful Hispanic lady right now.Until then I guess me and Goldy will keep it together,

and Richard is my knight in shining armor.

1 comment:

  1. "con-baby" That makes me laugh. A mini one, no less. At what age does a baby graduate to maxi-con?
